Membership Privileges
Spider Club aims to provide high quality and distinctive services and facilities to all members in warm and elegant surroundings for personal and business entertainment.
The Club strives to maintain its position as the leading provider of fine hospitality services to the business and professional community. Membership of the Club is by invitation only and is accepted by the Executive Board.
Corporate Member
Corporate Members are owned and issued in the name of a corporation, partnership or unincorporated association. A Corporate Member may initially nominate at maximum of 10 individuals who shall be entitled to full use of the Club. The initiation fee for each member shall be paid upon acceptance. The membership shall expire in December 2025.
Individual Member
Individual Members are entitled to full use of the Club. Each Member upon acceptance shall pay the initiation fee. Individual Members shall be required to pay monthly dues at their applicable rate. Membership shall also expire in December 2025.
Transferability of Membership
All membership categories are transferable within the same category. Transferability is subject to approval of the Executive Committee and upon payment of the required transfer fee.
Dress Code
Please be reminded that the dress code in the Club is formal to semi–formal (suits/national dress, shirt with necktie). Smart casual and jeans are allowed on Fridays and Saturdays. Slippers & shorts are not allowed in the Club at any time.